
Our Impact

The Movement

Founded in 1996, Girls on the Run International is a nonprofit that has served 2 million + girls across North America.

Three Girls on the Run participants staring into the distance Three Girls on the Run participants staring into the distance
Girls on the Run participants smiling while showing off 5k medal

Children today are exposed to longstanding gender stereotypes, societal obstacles and cultural challenges that can be detrimental to their emotional and physical health. Our program helps girls recognize their potential and rise above limiting gender expectations. Girls on the Run programs are about so much more than running – they make an impact at a critical age when confidence and physical activity decline.

Independent Studies Show:

97% of girls learned critical life skills including resolving conflict, helping others and making intentional decisions.


of girls learned critical life skills including resolving conflict, helping others and making intentional decisions.

97% of participants agree they can be themselves at Girls on the Run.


of participants agree they can be themselves at Girls on the Run.

40% increase in physical activity among girls who were least active at the program’s start.


increase in physical activity among girls who were least active at the program’s start.

Access Studies and Peer-Reviewed Articles

A Longitudinal Study of
Program Impact

Read the Study

"I wish I had a program like this when I was younger."


Local impact

Founded in 2000, Girls on the Run New Jersey East is dedicated to making an impact on girls' lives in our community.

Smiling Girls on the Run participant
Two Girls on the Run participants smiling at 5k

Girls on the Run New Jersey East Stats

  • 2,000 girls served each year
  • 250 volunteer coaches per season
  • 25,814 girls impacted over two decades
  • 80 locations per season
  • 2 seasons per year
98% of GOTR girls said they would tell other girls to do Girls on the Run.


of GOTR girls said they would tell other girls to do Girls on the Run.

94% of parents/guardians report valuable experience for their girl(s).


of parents/guardians report valuable experience for their girl(s).

96% of schools would offer programs again to support girls.


of schools would offer programs again to support girls.

Our girls say

Smiling Girls on the Run participant out at program practice

"At Girls on the Run, I learned it is so important to give back to your community."

Reina, GOTR Participant

Smiling Girls on the Run participant

"At the end of the day, I just want to be someone who feels good about herself AND who makes others feel good about themselves."

Lizzie, GOTR Participant

Girls on the Run participant holding program 5K medal with coach.

"Girls on the Run gave me self-confidence to accomplish things that might be hard in my life, and really just taught me to be brave and be strong."

Addyson, GOTR Participant

Watch and be Inspired

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Stronger Than Sports

Girls on the Run makes a stronger impact than organized sports and physical education programs in teaching life skills such as managing emotions, resolving conflict, helping others and making intentional decisions.

One of A Kind

Girls on the Run is a leader in evidence-based girl-centered programming. Our tested curriculum, trained coaches and a commitment to serve all girls sets us apart.

Life-Long Impact

Results show Girls on the Run empowers girls to build healthy physical and mental habits that last long beyond the program.

The power and potential of Girls

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